Friday, August 27, 2010

Your Period and Acne

The female cycle can be divided into three stages: menstruation or bleeding time, pre-ovulation and post ovulation. These are the most common changes in the skin at every stage:

Pre-ovulation: Ovulation occurs near the Fourteenth day of your menstrual cycle, which starts the day of your period. When bleeding ended estrogen increases which helps the skin is more healthy and beautiful.

Ovulation and menstruation. The skin starts to get fat and acne problems are increased in people prone to it.

Skin care according to your period
Being aware of hormonal changes in our body can take some precautions. Ovulation does not occur exactly on Day 14 in all women but if you look at your cycle you can see when your skin starts to change.

If you suffer from acne or pimples near or during menstruation, about week and a half after the period you can:

1 - Put more emphasis on cleaning your skin

2 - Use a cream or gel with benzoic acid (creams are common for acne) in the areas where you normally leave the shins. This is a light coat to prevent not wait to go there to avoid them. Avoid creams with more than 5% concentration to avoid irritating the skin.

Other changes during the cycle:
If you appear more hair on the face or body and your period is very irregular you may have a hormone-like disorder and need to see a doctor.

During the period, and a few days before the skin is more sensitive so we must avoid waxing.

Note: When the acne is severe and not relieved seeks help from a specialist.


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