Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tips for Glowing Your Skin

The sun, air pollution ... There are so many factors that affect our skin and our hair, it is sometimes difficult to keep these focal points of our beauty in the best condition.

There are some basic tips that we must respect and try to follow to achieve improvements in our overall appearance. The face and hair are two of the most important aspects of ourselves healthy and beautiful.

If you want to shine, it takes more water and less coffee. The coffee is perfect for the mornings, but we must limit your intake, because we also dehydrated. Especially in the summer, when skin needs more hydration, it is important to consume enough water. If you take this much more complicated natural water, opt for iced tea or flavored water.

Exfoliate your skin often. As the largest organ in the body can not believe how many dead cells accumulate. To remove and recover the smoothness, it is necessary to exfoliate face and body. For a homemade recipe, go for honey and sugar at the time of the shower, revive your skin. It should exfoliate once a week.

To prevent damage to your legs, change your razor often. After three or four uses, the leaves no longer cut as well, which forces you to put more pressure on the rake and cause cuts. For best use shaving cream, no soap, and do it at the end of the shower to give time for your hair has been softened.

The glowing skin is one of the objectives desired by women and to achieve this is to sweat, literally. Sweating gives skin its brightness and choose to do physical activity you prefer. It can be dancing, walking or riding a bike. Burn calories and improve your skin's appearance


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