Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Natural Skin Care: Tea Tree

This essential oil comes from Australia and still obtained by distillation from the leaves of the tree Melaleuca alternifolia. It is the "cure" for skin, with many properties and without any toxicity.

Often used in its pure state as well as in the preparation of shampoos and shower gels, due to its antiseptic and skin disinfectant. We also help treat acne. For this case is very important to the daily cleaning of the skin. We can put four drops of essential oil of tea tree on a cotton swab moistened with our toner or floral water, wash face thoroughly, then apply on pimples one drop of essential oil pure tea tree.
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Monday, August 1, 2011

Homemade Recipes for Beauty

Wheat Germ
The daily intake of wheat germ oil obtained by cold pressure, it is essential to overall health and particularly of the skin, since it has a high content of unsaturated fatty acids and very rich. If you want to be the envy of your tan, take a teaspoonful every morning this aceite.rlo

Vitamin E
In any cosmetic treatment, or anyone who wants to wear a beautiful skin is essential to take a teaspoon a day for a month, two or three times a year. It gives tone to the skin and keep us healthy hair.

Primrose (Evening Primrose)
Primrose oil, the renowned evening primrose oil is one of the most important for skin care provided to us by nature.

It is very rich in gamma-linolenic acid which is a direct precursor of prostaglandins (hormones). This oil is a regulator of the hormonal system, your regular intake of two to three times a year for twenty consecutive days, will help in cases of eczema, psoriasis and acne, but also has an anti aging and promotes the regeneration of wrinkles skin.

This oil is obtained by macerating the flowers of Rosa Mosqueta, comes from the Andes and is a great skin regenerator.

Direct application to the face softens wrinkles, acne scars and regenerate the scars. Above all, the body has a nourishing and is highly recommended to regenerate the flutes.
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