Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Natural Skin Care: Tea Tree

This essential oil comes from Australia and still obtained by distillation from the leaves of the tree Melaleuca alternifolia. It is the "cure" for skin, with many properties and without any toxicity.

Often used in its pure state as well as in the preparation of shampoos and shower gels, due to its antiseptic and skin disinfectant. We also help treat acne. For this case is very important to the daily cleaning of the skin. We can put four drops of essential oil of tea tree on a cotton swab moistened with our toner or floral water, wash face thoroughly, then apply on pimples one drop of essential oil pure tea tree.
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Monday, August 1, 2011

Homemade Recipes for Beauty

Wheat Germ
The daily intake of wheat germ oil obtained by cold pressure, it is essential to overall health and particularly of the skin, since it has a high content of unsaturated fatty acids and very rich. If you want to be the envy of your tan, take a teaspoonful every morning this aceite.rlo

Vitamin E
In any cosmetic treatment, or anyone who wants to wear a beautiful skin is essential to take a teaspoon a day for a month, two or three times a year. It gives tone to the skin and keep us healthy hair.

Primrose (Evening Primrose)
Primrose oil, the renowned evening primrose oil is one of the most important for skin care provided to us by nature.

It is very rich in gamma-linolenic acid which is a direct precursor of prostaglandins (hormones). This oil is a regulator of the hormonal system, your regular intake of two to three times a year for twenty consecutive days, will help in cases of eczema, psoriasis and acne, but also has an anti aging and promotes the regeneration of wrinkles skin.

This oil is obtained by macerating the flowers of Rosa Mosqueta, comes from the Andes and is a great skin regenerator.

Direct application to the face softens wrinkles, acne scars and regenerate the scars. Above all, the body has a nourishing and is highly recommended to regenerate the flutes.
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Monday, August 30, 2010

Natural Skin Care: Shea Butter

Shea Butter comes from the shea nuts. This tree grows in the savannas of central Africa many countries. The fruits are the size of walnuts. After harvest, the fruits are spread in the sun for a while, are removed from the foil and finally cold pressed. In this way we obtain the fatty substance called shea butter.

Shea acts giving greater protection to the skin against external aggressions and the sun's rays, so sunscreen is ideal. Softening and nourishing properties, active regeneration of the skin and is thought to prevent stretch marks.

Shea Butter can be applied to the skin and mucous membranes and eye area.
Well suited for dry skin, fat and skin hydrated and few that are very often peeled (peeling, dermatitis). It is also ideal as a lip balm.
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Your Period and Acne

The female cycle can be divided into three stages: menstruation or bleeding time, pre-ovulation and post ovulation. These are the most common changes in the skin at every stage:

Pre-ovulation: Ovulation occurs near the Fourteenth day of your menstrual cycle, which starts the day of your period. When bleeding ended estrogen increases which helps the skin is more healthy and beautiful.

Ovulation and menstruation. The skin starts to get fat and acne problems are increased in people prone to it.

Skin care according to your period
Being aware of hormonal changes in our body can take some precautions. Ovulation does not occur exactly on Day 14 in all women but if you look at your cycle you can see when your skin starts to change.

If you suffer from acne or pimples near or during menstruation, about week and a half after the period you can:

1 - Put more emphasis on cleaning your skin

2 - Use a cream or gel with benzoic acid (creams are common for acne) in the areas where you normally leave the shins. This is a light coat to prevent not wait to go there to avoid them. Avoid creams with more than 5% concentration to avoid irritating the skin.

Other changes during the cycle:
If you appear more hair on the face or body and your period is very irregular you may have a hormone-like disorder and need to see a doctor.

During the period, and a few days before the skin is more sensitive so we must avoid waxing.

Note: When the acne is severe and not relieved seeks help from a specialist.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beauty Treatments at Home

Among the beauty treatments are routinely needed: Haircuts, hair styling, dyeing, shaved legs, underarms and eyebrows, manicures and pedicures, facials. Many can be done at home if they wish.

If you want to spend less on cuts is not wearing a formal style with defined angles, such as Bob. These courts require continuous cut. Long hair may require fewer cuts but requires more products but in general it is cheaper.

At home you can trim the bangs but you have to do it correctly. Do not try to cut your hair yourself. Read bangs and face types

At home you can dye your hair if you change only one or two tones, three maximum. For more radical changes need to go to the hall and touch up the stain more frequently to avoid the nasty roots of another color.

The special tempt as highlights, highlights or streaks but can be done at home is preferable to leave to the professionals. Read paint my hair at home

Manicures & Pedicures
Both treatments can be homemade. Care must be taken not to use dirty instruments, and preferably not cut cuticles.

You can also save lengthening the period between treatments at home keeping them. This is accomplished by reapplying nail polish, filing and trimming nails and applying creams and scrubs to toe. Express manicure and pedicure Read

The facials are not required but are desirable and relaxing. Its frequency depends on your taste and budget. The basic facial can be done at home without any problem, of course is not as relaxing as the Spa. Read homemade facial

If you want to reduce the cost of living is preferable to have facials at home and let the spa for the specialized facial and microdermabrasion, photo-facial or deep peels.
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Monday, August 23, 2010

Your Skin and Your Zodiac Sign

According to those who believe in the horoscope our personality and some strengths and weaknesses of each sign may affect our beauty and skin care.

Skin care according to your star sign:

It is a sign of fire. Aries people have a healthy, beautiful skin takes on Aging. To maintain beautiful skin the Arian have to relax because its nature is constant movement and energy. Read Lindoroscopo Aries

It is a sign of the earth. Taureans tend to have good skin and beautiful features. A healthy diet is important to Taurus but can eat all kinds of food. The energy of Taurus sometimes creates imbalance and therefore need to clear the mind. Read Lindoroscopo Taurus

People of this sign have vitality in the skin that comes from his personality and mental energy. With so much energy Gemini need to avoid coffee and relax to maintain beautiful skin. Read Lindoroscopo Gemini

The cancer tend to have expressive eyes and high cheek bones very attractive. Skin Cancer can be sensitive. Cancer needs to express to eliminate stress which may cause irritation or other skin problems. Read Lindoroscopo Cancer

Leo's skin is generally strong, but can suffer from the effects of the intensity of Leo and excess heat in your body. To control excess body heat must exercise and avoid foods with wine and species. Read Leo Lindoroscopo
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bleaching Unwanted Hair

The discoloration of hair is to eliminate or change the color of unwanted hair to make it less noticeable and to avoid shaving.

This technique can be used anywhere in the body, but is most often used where hair is thin as the arms, mustache and other facial areas. In Brazil it is used in the legs, but the effect can be interesting.

Most bleaching products are similar to those of hair bleach and peroxide and a powder used to activate it. Some women do it using hydrogen peroxide only.

Advantages of bleaching hair
1 - It's cheap
2 - Requires little time
3 - Almost no experience required

1 - removes hair not only makes it less noticeable, but always felt to be close.
Places like the USA where the hairs are not accepted in any color.
2 - The used products can irritate the skin and if not used correctly cause discoloration on the skin.

How to make body hair bleaching
You buy a product for this function and follow the instructions. Generally they are: mix the product, apply it on clean skin in the desired areas. When the hair reaches the desired color is removed. The indications of time vary by product used.

Bleaching is recommended or not
If it is acceptable to have hair on where you live this can be an alternative but I like shaving, but shaving is preferable bothers you do. No less irritating to the skin, and is safer than waxing, but may be less painful.
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