Thursday, August 19, 2010

Old-Fashioned Beauty

The "rules" of beauty change over time because fashions change, and new discoveries in skin care.

Some rules of old-fashioned beauty:

Colors for your skin tone
There have been many theories about color in makeup and clothes and how to determine which fits you best. Some people can follow these theories, but the truth is that it is difficult to generalize and the best is to experiment with all the colors to discover that we have better.

100 brushed every night
When brushing you are distributing the scalp oils throughout the hair and this helps him stay healthy and shiny. In addition to the brush we are giving you a scalp massage which stimulates the follicles and helps keep hair healthy, but doing so 100 times a night is excessive, tedious and unnecessary.

Cold water in the face
According to them the go cold on his face helped to have better skin. The cold water closes the pores for a while and leaves a feeling of vitality in the skin, but can be irritating for some skin and cause broken capillaries. Not recommended for sensitive skin or prone to broken capillaries and in general the water while it is preferable to slightly warm.

Baby oil
The baby oil is mineral oil with fragrance. Mineral oil does not add nutrients to the skin but creates a protective barrier that prevents moisture loss and therefore qualifies it, but also clog pores and cause pimples and blackheads in people prone to it. One advantage is that allergy tested. It is ideal for very dry areas like heels, but it is preferable to avoid it in the face.

Blue shadows
The blue color in the shadows is back, is no longer synonymous with "living in the 70s" is also an example how the colors come and go in fashion.


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