Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Basic Steps to Caring Your Skin in Summer

Summer is, for better and for worse, the season where more skin is exposed. This means that the time to care for her more than ever to see you so young and beautiful as you want. There are four basic steps to pamper your dermis during these hot months and look regal at any time.

Exfoliate is the first step. The dead cells that accumulate on the skin create a range of problems, and subtract your skin gently. Get an exfoliant that is not too hard on your skin and use it once a week during the shower. Do the same with your face and see the difference in the brightness of your piel.

Moisturizing is the second step. It is what lets your skin look smoother with a satin finish. Not having enough hydrated skin makes the skin from drying. Your skin feels tight, itchy and produces a general feeling of discomfort. Apply your favorite moisturizer to leave the bathroom and even more after you exfoliate.

The third step has to do with the vitamins you consume. More often than we think, the beauty comes from inside out. The best way to get the nutrients you need is to have a balanced diet, but as this is not always possible, it's good to opt for a multivitamin to supplement your normal diet.

Stopping the aging of the skin is the fourth. The most important step step you should take into account this summer is related to skin care. Maybe you already knew, but anyway you may remember: The sun damage is the main factor responsible for premature aging. For today and for the future avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, and never leave the street without ever having put on the face protector.


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