Saturday, August 14, 2010

Caring for Combination Skin or Normal

The mixed or normal skin is characterized by uniting in the face two types of skin: dry or normal on cheeks and sides, and fat in the "T" (forehead, nose and chin).

Despite being the type of skin that need less care, we must not stop paying attention. This type of skin needs a ritual purification and impeccably clean twice a day so that the pores are clean and can breathe normally.

If your skin is part of this group, we recommend using specific creams for normal skin and, occasionally, combined with products for oily skin, especially at night. Note that the essential oils of lavender, ylang-ylang and those with purifying properties, are most suitable.

In regard to makeup or normal combination skin, you must use oil-free texture (oil-free), because they provide a very natural finish. All you have to take care of throughout the day with powders is to eliminate the possible appearance of brightness on the chin and forehead, which gives a very unpleasant oily skin, also at the tip of the nose and nasolabial fold.

One of the problems that may have combination skin is the appearance of acne called late. Usually, this word is associated with adolescence, but may extend into adulthood. In the case of one in ten women have acne after 30 years. If this is your case a prescribed treatment by a dermatologist and the use of oil-free cosmetics will be the most appropriate

Not only must take care of your skin on the outside, also inside, eating foods high in antioxidants. Some of the most necessary are the beta-carotene, which are in green leafy vegetables (spinach) and orange and red (pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes). Vitamin C (oranges, lemons, tangerines, peppers, etc..) Fatty acids omega 3 and 6, and protein (fish, meat and eggs) are also very necessary for the good condition of the dermis.


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