Each skin type has specific needs and requires a specific care, which is why before a product decantarte need to know how it is. Only then choosing the right components the right thing.
- If the notes without brightness and tight, these are signs that your dermis has a shortage of water and lipids, ie dealing with dry skin.
- The large pores have oily skin and fewer wrinkles. They are often irritable, but this time by excess sebum.
- The shiny forehead, nose and chin are typical of mixed skin, which also has dry cheeks.
Dry Skin
Morning and evening, apply on the face and neck and protective moisturizer with nutritive actives such as vegetable oils (evening primrose oil or wheat germ).
You should clean it with very soft products such as oils Cleansers and detergents, synthetic and mineral waters, in addition to using non-alcoholic tonic. If the skin is extremely dry, use an oil bath or shower and then applied by the body with Body Butter.
Oily Skin
Cosmetics with gels or creams, oil-free assets and antiseptics sebo. Cleaners to water (gels and foams) are best suited and can use up to twice a day. Purifying respirators used to prevent dead skin cells and sebum clogging the pores.
Use products for oily skin in the central area of the face, while in the care applies cheeks dry skin.
The objective in this type of skin is to protect and soothe the skin reaction. Therefore, in the morning and evening use products with ingredients and soothing repair.
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