Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bleaching Unwanted Hair

The discoloration of hair is to eliminate or change the color of unwanted hair to make it less noticeable and to avoid shaving.

This technique can be used anywhere in the body, but is most often used where hair is thin as the arms, mustache and other facial areas. In Brazil it is used in the legs, but the effect can be interesting.

Most bleaching products are similar to those of hair bleach and peroxide and a powder used to activate it. Some women do it using hydrogen peroxide only.

Advantages of bleaching hair
1 - It's cheap
2 - Requires little time
3 - Almost no experience required

1 - removes hair not only makes it less noticeable, but always felt to be close.
Places like the USA where the hairs are not accepted in any color.
2 - The used products can irritate the skin and if not used correctly cause discoloration on the skin.

How to make body hair bleaching
You buy a product for this function and follow the instructions. Generally they are: mix the product, apply it on clean skin in the desired areas. When the hair reaches the desired color is removed. The indications of time vary by product used.

Bleaching is recommended or not
If it is acceptable to have hair on where you live this can be an alternative but I like shaving, but shaving is preferable bothers you do. No less irritating to the skin, and is safer than waxing, but may be less painful.


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