Friday, August 20, 2010

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin condition in which there is red, inflation, flakes, pores open and "zits pimples or pus-filled bumps on the inside. Some people develop oily skin.

Some people confuse it with adult acne, but are not the same and the treatments are different. The "mud" of rosacea should never be removed because it just causes more irritation.

Rosacea on the face. It begins as a red area or blush on the cheeks then spreads to the forehead, nose and chin. Dilated capillaries were noticeable on the sides of the nose.

If rosacea is left untreated the nose may get bigger in the end what is called rhinophyma and may affect the eyes. Rosacea can not be cured but can be controlled. Rosacea begins after age 30 and usually affects fair-skinned people.

It affects men and women, but men tend to worsen in the nose. The cause is unknown and probably genetic.


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