Monday, July 26, 2010

Guidelines for Perfect Feet

Winter is over in Europe and around the northern hemisphere, leaving free passage to spring. Therefore, before starting to show publicly our feet, we must make a moisturizing and beautifying treatment that we so ready for spring.

However, sometimes we do not have the budget to go to a beauty salon to let us perfect feet, so we introduce some basic guidelines so you can realize yourself the same treatment at home.

The first thing you must meet to make a pedicure is to have a sink, warm water, salts and bubble bath for the feet, exfoliating cream, a soothing gel, a cardboard nail file, foot file, cuticle remover , a nail clipper, a towel, cotton and a set of glazes.

It seems that the list is long, but if you stop to analyze, most of these elements can have at home and use them many times saving you lots of money.

As a first step, put warm water in the sink and add a few drops of bubble bath or foot salts. Once rinsed, sécatelos with the towel and proceeded to trim the excesses of nail or rounded edges to avoid getting hurt when walking.

Then, remove the thick layer of skin off your feet with the file, do it gently so as not to cause harm, particularly in the skin of the edges of the fingers. After filing your streets, you can place the cream and then a relaxing exfoliating foot cream.

Next, place a bit of cuticle remover and let it act immediately proceed to remove an orange stick. Then apply a moisturizer and massage until absorbed, from the toes to your ankles when you're finished, continue Apply yourself a base and then nail polish to help, between the toes with cotton until dry and ready.


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