Friday, July 30, 2010

Fighting Wrinkles with Antioxidant Nutrients

The style of life we often gives us a lot of stress and fatigue, causing our cells do not regenerate correctly.

These daily activities are slowly draining our health and our ability to go cracking cell regeneration, causing wrinkles in the skin, so it is necessary the intake of antioxidants and vitamins that help us to improve our balance.

During the past decade, scientific studies identified the importance of certain foods rich in antioxidants, such as carrots that have an element called beta-carotene.

This stimulates the skin pigment to protect itself from the rays of the sun, the skin infections and ulcers, in addition to the regenerative properties for the view that it possesses. This should be eaten in salads extracts and five times a week.

Another source of antioxidants is the most important grain oats, which contains a large amount of vitamin D, used to combat deep wrinkles of the skin, especially in the corners of the mouth and forehead, and elevate our mood.

Its consumption refers to an average of three times per week in a boiling, especially at breakfast and when you're hungry at night.

Drinking red wine is one of the secrets that provides significant amounts of antioxidants called polyphenols. They help to regenerate skin if consumed three times a week, after lunch and dinner. Just one cup at a time.

Also drinking chamomile tea loaded fasting helps to cleanse the skin of blemishes and helps in better digestion of food.

Other foods that contain a great source of antioxidants are the fish and almonds, both rich sources of fat sanitary facilities that provide firmness to the skin. It is also important to consume an average of six small servings of vegetables and fruits daily


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